Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rincón Salvadoreño–authentic flavor from the Maya world

(also known as El Rey de las Pupusas)

It’s worth a try, maybe it wasn’t their best day, or maybe we should’ve tried a different pupusa. If you’re in the neighborhood, and want to try something new, go for it.
  • FOOD: 3.5 OUT OF 5
  • PRICE: Cheap, it all cost $22
Google Map
1019 Chalkstone Avenue
Providence, RI 02908

I forgot to write down their hours, but they’re closed on Wednesdays.
This time we went a little more south and east to El Salvador। El Rincón Salvadoreño is in a little strip mall, next to a Chinese restaurant. When we walked in, the Gringo remarked that it looked like it used to be a beauty parlor. The Guatemalan disagreed. I didn’t care. The place was clean, bright and smelled good; it had a mix of tables and booths. It was decorated with travel guide posters and salvadorian knick-knacks. The crowd was all hispanic.

Their menu was small, but with a great variety: Seafood (shrimp a la diabla, with garlic), Pupusas (with chicharron, pork), Tostadas, Steaks, Chicken dishes, Soups, Tamales, Apetizers and a Kid’s Menu for the little americanized salvadorians (fries, hamburguers).

We ordered a Pupusa de Chicharron, a Churrasco con tortillas, a Tostada de chicken, a Tostada de beef, and the guatemalan and I had horchata to drink. The gringo had (sigh!) a Coke. Service was quick and the waitress was nice.

*They did have one TV, and we found ourselves riveted to E! Entertainment tonight.

PUPUSA DE CHICHARRON: 4 out of 5 (Everybody)
This seems to be their specialty, since they are the King of the Pupusas. Like a mentioned before, Pupusas are thick discs of corn stuffed with a variety of fillings. They have similar dishes to this all over central america, like Wikipedia ( says. This pupusas had Chicharron is fried pork rind, and refried beans. The dough in this pupusa was really tasty, but the chicharron was just OK, nothing to write home about. We wished it would’ve had cheese.

CHURRASCO CON TORTILLAS: 3 out of 5 (Everybody)
Churrasco is esentially grilled meat. This churrasco was probably flank steak or skirt steak, and it was served on 2 small thick tortillas. No salsa or anything on top, just straight up steak and tortilla. The steak didn’t have the greatest taste, mustardy, and chewy. The tortilla was awesome, probably hand made. We expected a lot more of a simple piece of well grilled steak, but we didn’t get it.

TOSTADAS: 3 and 4 out of 5 (Everybody)
You know what a Tostada is, right? No? Geez. Well, a tostada is a fried flat corn tortilla which then you put a bunch of food on top, like beans and chicken, and cream, and lettuce. Our chicken tostada was chicken with ICEBERG lettuce and cream. The chicken was really plain, kinda just not that good. The beef was better, but the guatemalan noted it was kinda dry, it could’ve used some sauce. We did get a lot of beef.

HORCHATA: 4 out 5 (Guatemalan and Mexican)
Probably not homemade, but pretty good. Horchata is a rice drink, very refreshing, sweet. The gringo was happy he ordered a Coke after trying the horchata. If you ever go to a hispanic restaurant, do try some of their traditional drinks or Aguas. Latin america is known for flavorful drinks, and it’s a missed opportunity everytime you go to a local hispanic restaurant and order an american soda.

PUPUSA DE CHICHARRON: 4 out of 5 (Everybody)
CHURRASCO: 3 out of 5 (Everybody)
TOSTADA DE POLLO: 3 out of 5 (Everybody)
TOSTADA DE RES: 4 out of 5 (Everybody)
HORCHATA: 4 out 5 (Guatemalan and Mexican)
COKE: 5 out of 5 (Gringo)

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